Saturday, June 3, 2017

The All Powerful Chemical Sciences : The Mighty Creators of Some of The Greatest Spiritual Scientists

The Source of the Image
I really wish Chemistry was an innocent, harmless subject, like cooking. 

Chemistry is Lord Yamaa, The Lord of Death of Hinduism, A Terror, inexplicable. Cooking is a joy for both Chefs & Amateurs alike, and a joy even for small kids.. It never creates, terrific fear in our minds, like our Brilliant Snob Chemistry

As mentioned, even if kiddos want to experiment with cooking, as we see in our Master Chef Programs for little kids, it' s absolute fun for them, seeing them playfully & joyfully experiment with the art, on such TV Shows.

Annadaanam ( अन्नदानं ) I mean feeding hungry souls, in Hinduism is said to be the finest of all Daanams (दानं ), I mean Charity, with maximmum possible Punyam (पुण्यं ), one can ever imagine. Hindus even have a special Goddess for food & nourishmant, Mother-Annapoorna.

This shows the supreme status our sublime art of cooking has enjoyed, down the ages, starting from the remotest, hoary past of this sacred land of the greatest Aryans & Dravidians.

I am terribly scared of Chemicals, and the extent of massive, worldwide destruction, it's capable of causing. Unimaginable indeed is the extent.

Every Drug is a Chemical, including the Ayurvedic Drugs of ancient India, Ayurvedic Drugs being Organic, Biochemicals. 

Even if there is a minor mistake in administering the dosage of the Drugs, I mean, the Pharmaceutical Chemicals, in healthcare, man is out, absolutely out of this world. Whether it's a man, a woman, a child, an infant, an animal, a bird or a reptile, the blessed fate is the same for all of them.

How can we compare the Science of Chemistry with an innocent subject like cooking, that's the Saviour of this God-given life?? Cooking saves life of any kind, it never kills. But the Chemical weapons of military warfare?? They don't do anything other than killing?? They kill & only kill.

And the Chemical Pesticides??? Please don't ask further, they have ruined the complete sub-surface soil in most parts of India, polluting the underground water-zone, like never ever in the history of mankind !!! 

Chemical industries pollute the entire atmospheric air. Can we breathe peacefully & comfortably in today's toxic atmosphere?

Antibiotics, that again are powerful Chemicals, have ruined human & animal life, because of careless & unscientific dosages used, by half-baked people.

And don't ask about Chemical Fertilizers, producing lifeless, tasteless, nutrientless, vegetables, fruits and crops, for our daily intake. Most of the milk that we consume in India, is badly polluted with Antibiotics, due to the greed of milk producers, for amassing wealth in a short time, torturing the poor, innocent cattles.

The adverse, toxic effects of man-made Chemicals are too infinite in number, to be listed in this small space.

And finally before this small post of mine comes to an end, we should never ever forget about the massive damages nuclear wastes from the higest power generating nuclear plants, have done to this beautiful planet of ours. 

These wastes settle down in ocean beds, or should I say get dumped into oceans, after their retirement, once their active working life is over, and have thereby ruined marine life, like never ever imaginable before. Besides careless dumping of these wastes here, there, and everywhere blesses the mankind with mentally & physically deformed children, to the intense agony of the parents & Gods.

"Gods, and not Just Just ONE God ; as we have INFINITE number of Gods ; every nation has its own God ; every religion has its own God ; every race has its own God ; every caste has its own God ; every creed has its own God ; there's not enough space here to list all Gods ; the list is endless & infinite : this great world is just a mirage ; just one God looks like so many Gods ; creating violence, riots & world-wars ; Great God is just just ONE ; Dear Almighty is just ONE ; Let's not fight like crazy-nuts ; realizing this Eternal Truth ; No time any more to fight, fight ; No time, for World-Wars again".

These Nuclear wastes are a kind of chemicals only, highly toxic & highly destructive one can ever imagine.

It's so shocking, and thought-provoking to see an innocent subject like cooking being compared with a subject of mass destruction & terror, like our most brilliant Chemistry ; the subject that discloses to us the secrets of how matter behaves, the subtlest unimaginable structures of matter, the structures that are beyond all sense perceptions, and how we can exploit those secrets, to our maximmum selfish benefits, and amass, amass as much wealth, as even this Infinite Cosmos can't hold.

Alas !!! Are these the wonders, the great marvels of this Chemistry then??? Shouldn't we think, think, once more again???

I, myself am a person, from the chemical sciences background. And at times, I wonder whether I was born to create or destroy?? God alone can answer this query.

God wants to convey something through these pages to the whole mankind, with me just as an instrument, JUSSSST as an instrument, with my Great Guru Sivananda Saraswathi, guiding me from deep within : ॐ श्री गुरुभ्यो नमः :

My teachers were great & great & greatest,
men & great men & greatest men of knowledge & wisdom.
Some women too, but they were very miniscule in number
Their sublime intentions were to lay in me, the foundations of Tatva Gyaanaa,
so that I may see just the Oneness of life, all around me,
through these powerful Chemical & Physical forces of the Cosmos.
Their noble intentions were to teach me
the Greatest Advaithaa Philosophy of India,
of Adi Shankara, the greatest of all Advaitha Philosophers

through these Chemicals, and the forces holding together these Chemicals.
But in the most modern way, through Quantum Theory,
Through Solid State, Atomic & Nuclear Physics.

Through Spectroscopy & what else, what else, what else?
it's decades now, it's tough to remember

Their purpose in training me was always great.

Let Physics & Chem  not start, not start fighting, as ever again
Coz' ultimately, the bros are gonna merge together
It's Just Oneness, Just Oneness, Just Oneness of Life
Whether it's through Physics, or through Chemistry, or something else

My Gurus never had mass destruction in their Saatvik minds,
when I was learning under them as an innocent chilld
Their intentions were always, Saatvik, Sublime & Noble

Always, always, JUSSST sublime & noble

If I am destroying this sacred world today, 
it's my & my & my own fault.
None deserves this cruel, most cruel blame ever,
none, none, none under the-Sun,
Under The-Sun, & The-Stars & The sublime moon,
None, none, in none of the Planes-above,

Planes above & planes below, plane(s) at the centre as-well

Any power, any force in this endless Cosmos is great,
if we don't misuse it, never, never, ever
and use it in an Ultra-Saatvik way,
for the benefit of the Cosmos of living & dead
& lifeless creatures, including moving & immovable life.

Evil in us tempts us to misuse the power
Misuse the power, misuse the force, misuse the power
Evil forces just emerge from evil thought-force

Let's sublimate our Evil-Thoughts into Sublime-Force
Sublime-Force will just create Sublime-World
Sublime-World, Sublime-World, Divine-World
Divine-World, Divine-Thoughts, Divine-Acts

My Greatest Teachers meant to teach me only this
I'll ever be indebted to them, all my life for this.

ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ... हरि ॐ तत्सत् , हरि ॐ तत्सत् , हरि ॐ तत्सत्  ( In typical 'श्री आर्य समाज मन्दिर' style, of my Fondest High School of India ) 

Need a short break to recharge myself, right now. Would be back again with the fresh, recharged battery once again. 

This Jolly Chem-Post, the Blogpost, will continue & continue, it'll continue & continue & continue, till I am left with just nothing, just-nothing-inside, and am fully empty, abs empty, abs empty inside. 

Human Mind is a bottomless pit, abs. unfathomable. So I don't know how deep, how deepest I'll be able to drill. So just keep waiting, keep waiting, keep waiting, closely observing & observing my deep-sea drilling, deepest offshore activities.

Am back again, am back again, am back once more
To share my thoughts, once more, once more again 

Facebook is said to be just a place for idlers
For jobless &  hopeless & most useless idlers 
Why blame the great FB, for our own faults?
When we know not, how to use the greatest tool of all

Fire can be used for cooking our food, we know
Can be used for purpose divine as well, we should know
can be used as well for ending dear lives of ours
can be used for burning the planet, the planet, as well
is the fire divine, the criminal to blame, I ask
Let’s think & think & think think-over again

Drugs can be used for saving our lives, we know
Can also be used for destroying our lives, we know

Venom of snake is poison of course, we know
It puts an end, an end to our lives, we know
Can also be used for saving our lives, precious
When dear life is endangered by snake-bites
Deadliest of snakes, from deadliest of holes, on planet
Are helpless in front of their own venoms, d'you know?
Should venoms be treated by us, I ask?
As greatest & greatest of sinners of all, of all?

Heat waves of Sunlight, are fatal indeed, we know
But the same heat generates clouds for us, we know
And clouds & rainfalls & crops for us, we know
And fruits & veggies & herbs & flowers, we know
Is sunshine  then a criminal for us, I ask
Let’s think & think & think-over & over again

Why blame dear Facebook, dearest & dearest of all?
For no fault at all of the mighty tool, I ask
If we know not how to use a tool powerful
A tool, a tool, a tool, a mighty tool !!!
It’s we to blame, and not the power-divine
Face-book is no doubt a wonderful tool divine

Let us learn the technique to use the tool.
The mighty, the mighty, the versatile tool
Think & think & think-over, over again
Think & think all over, all over again
Equally great are Google, Twitter, dearest
Youtube of ours is no less, no less greater
Equally great is Blogger, blogger Dearest

It’s these & these, the greatest platforms
Who’ve created beautiful sunshine for us

My posts today are viewed, are viewed
all over, all over globe, the globe of ours

JUSSST coz’ of these mighty, mighty wonders
Am known, am known, by many, by many, I swear 

Thank U & Thank U & Thanks again
Thank U dear Facebook, thanks again once more
I’ve thanked you earlier, earlier as well
Several, several, countless, countles of times

Thank U Google & Twitter, Twitter as well
Thanks to YouTube & Youtube as well.
Am no less thankful to Blogger, Blogger-Divine
Thanks to you all of you, countless of countless of times
Thanks again, again, once more to all

Wanna know 'HOW MUCH' you matter to me?

If viewers are watching me closely today
all over, all over the globe
just have to thank, you all for that
for bringing to limelight a person like me

These Platforms are Great & Greatest, no doubt
Have no words to thank u, thanks again, again.
Loose not your Enthu (उत्साहं  ), never, never, ever !!!
& Loose not your Tempo (उत्साहं  ), never, never, ever !!!
When devotees like me are there, are there ever
Just no need to tremble and grumble and grumble, quiver

Wanna share my thoughts, my thoughts, my thoughts divine
Through you, through you, through you, I swear, I swear
the sacred, the holy, the sublime, the thoughts Divine
The thoughts, the thoughts, the thoughts of the land Divine
D'you know, the name, the name, the name of this land??
It's India, dear India, the India of Life-Divine 
The Land that sees The One, The One, in Many
The One that Unites, the many, the many in ONE.
We're ONE, We're ONE, We're One, We're ONE
Let this, just this, be our Goal Divine Divine.

"We humans have our Gods ; and not Just Just Just ONE God !!! ;  We have INFINITE numbers of Gods, Countless numbers of Gods, Limitless Limitless ; every Nation has its own God ; every Religion has its own God ; every Race has its own God ; every Caste has its own God ; every Creed has its own God ; every Individual has his or her or its own God ; there's not enough space here to list all Gods ; the list is endless & infinite, like the Great God Himself, Herself, Itself ; the Genderless, Formless, Supreme Power, that is making us dance like helpless puppets ; us helpless, blind, ignorant puppets with absolutely no control over our chaotic, turbulent minds, and immersed in utter worldliness, forgetting our 'True Nature' , 'Our Real Inner Self' ; This Great World, this Ageless, Timeless World is 'Just a MIRAAAAGE' !!! 'Just an ILLUSSION', which never had a beginning, will never have an end !!! ; It's Eternal, Infinite, Formless, Spaceless, Timeless, with all the Infinite Powers (पराशक्ति !!! , आदिशक्ति !!! महाशक्ति !!! दिव्यशक्ति  ) of the Cosmos (प्रपञ्चम , ब्रह्माण्डं   ) densely condensed inside it, manifesting itself in Infinite number of ways, that we are perceiving through our senses ( पञ्च ज्ञानेन्द्रिय ) ; there are infinite number of Worlds (लोकः)  beyond our five senses too ; Just ONE God looks like so many Gods, to us toddlers, to us tiny-tots, to us little babies, the Greatest Enlightened Sages around the globe have, time and again, enlightened us, about the same old 'TRUTH' , only to see us forgetting this 'SIMPLE TRUTH' again & again ; And isn't this 'ILLUSORY MIRAAAAGE' , 'The Greatest, All-Powerful महामाया' of the Timeless, Ageless Ancient Hinduism of ours,  creating all kinds of violence, riots, disharmony, discord, chaos,  never-ending World-Wars, & terrorising Nuclear-Wars, & cruelly separating us 'Divine Children' of The Great God Almighty, from each other??? This 'ILLUSORY MIRAAAAGE' , 'The All-Powerful महामाया' ", is indeed playing havocs & turmoils in our lives, with shattering disasters".

Says Gurudev Swami Sivananda Saraswathi Maharaj of the most sacred ' Divine Life Society'  Rishikesh of India, 

"Great God is Just ONE, Just Just ONE ; Dear Almighty is Just ONE, Just Just ONE ; Let's not fight & fight like Crazy-Nuts, like Toddlers, like Tiny-Tots ; Let's realize this Eternal-Truth, the very Eternal-Truth of this Creation ; No time any more to fight, fight ; No time for World-Wars again ; No time for Nuclear-Wars again ; Let's throw all destructive weapons away ; Let's throw all weapons of all kinds away  ; We were not born to destroy ourselves ; We were born here to live Life-Divine ; The Supreme Supreme Life Divine, the Life Divine, the life Divine.Let's merge with the ONE & ONLY ONE Divine, the ONE Divine, the ONE Divine.  Let's chant ॐ , Let's chant ॐ , Let's chant ॐ  हरि ॐ हरि ॐ " 

Once again Gurudev continues, "When 'The Almighty Supreme Power' starts giving you with His Infinite numbers of hands, how much can your two little limited hands hold ??? ; And if the same 'All-Powerful Great God', starts snatching away everything from you, how much can you hold back, with your two little limited hands ?? Our EGO has to dissolve completely. It's this vain, worthless, selfish EGO, that's making life hell for us, in this impermanent world, where nothing is going to last forever. It's this most Undivine, Little EGO, that is the Great Wall, between the ignorant Man & the All-Powerful God ; Great God is nothing but JUST Light, Light & Light Absolute ; Great God is nothing but JUST Knowledge, Knowledge & Knowledge Absolute ; Great God is nothing but JUST Pure Bliss, Bliss & Bliss Absolute. All the petty mundane joys of this petty mundane world, are just microscopic sparks of 'That Absolute Infinite Bliss', 'The Bliss Divine', 'The Bliss Divine' , 'The Unlimited, Boundless Bliss Divine' ".

And this is perhaps the 'Divine Message', that My Greatest Gurudev is trying to convey to the 'Whole of Mankind' all over the Globe, in every nook & corner, through this simple Blogpost, holding me, Mala Chandrashekhar, JUSSSST as an instrument, nothing but JUSSSST as a convenient instrument, in His Hands.

I am feeling intensely Blissful right now, enjoying the 'Infinite Bliss', meditating over my 'Greatest Good Fortune'  of being used as an 'Instrument' by Gurudev Swami Sivananda Saraswathi, for spreading worldwide, His Message Divine, through this simple Blogpost.

My साष्टाङ्ग नमस्कारंs to You, Gurudev. I have completely surrendered myself, at your Holy, Sacred Feet, at Your  'परम पवित्र पाद  कमलं ' I am in an intensely meditative mood right now, and want to get immersed in the sacred Om Chanting, to get charged once again with boundless energy, to continue the post from, where I've left.

ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ... हरि ॐ तत्सत् , हरि ॐ तत्सत् , हरि ॐ तत्सत्  ( In typical 'श्री आर्य समाज मन्दिर' style, of my Fondest High School of India )

FYI : I may keep adding more and more and more content to this Blogpost, with more & more & more inspiration, from deep within, with my Holiest Gurudev Swami Sivananda Saraswathi Maharaj of Rishikesh, India, as by Guiding Light, in this journey of life, on this 'Earth Plane of Existence.' 

Here is my Dearest & Holiest Gurudev's simple, but  'Supremely Divine' picture, along with the domain address of the Holiest Sivanandashram, in Rishikesh.

Gurudev Swami Sivananda Saraswathi
Sivanandashram Website :  

The inspiring 'Chemical Laboratory Image' on top, featured in this Blogpost, is the sole property of its sole owner. My deepest sense of gratitude to him or her or of any gender, for making this small write-up a reality. If the inclusion of this inspiring 'Image' in this Blogpost  is unacceptable to the actual owner, & doesn't want it anyehere here, the 'Great Soul' may send me a message with the details and the link to the picture, and I will remove it right away. Unfortunately I was unable to discover the name of the artist, the Great World-Wide-Web ( WWW ) being full of Copy-Cats of all kinds, like me. Didn't want to put the wrong name of the artist either. That would have been total injustice to the real artist. But I MUST, MUST admit before the Whole-Wide-World ( WWW ), that the 'Image' was indeed a great inspiration for me, to begin this Blogpost:) :)

ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ... हरि ॐ तत्सत् , हरि ॐ तत्सत् , हरि ॐ तत्सत्  (In typical 'श्री आर्य समाज मन्दिर' style, of my Fondest High School of India ) 

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